Victoria Halford and myself returned to Building 32 and shared our future disaster scenarios with Gopal Ramchum, Trung Dong Huynh, Nadia Pantidi and Victor Naroditskiy. We’d worked up the scenarios into four narrative treatments since our last workshop – a Dubai tourist resort terror attack, the Great Fire of Lagos, a Gaza border tunnel cave-in and the Burning Man festival mass panic. The ORCHID team tested the robustness of our narratives, offered much insightful feedback and then helped us to imagine how a disaster response team such as Rescue Global might manage each of the four very different incidents. Autonomous drones were considered particularly useful in situations where human field agents were at risk or information was in short supply – thermal imaging in the smoke of a fire, visual coverage of a mobile phone blackspot, surveillance of terrorists. We are collating our findings and will share them soon.